Dr Ellen Ou

Ellen personCollege: Yunnan Agricultural University, China

Project title: Formulation of antioxidant phytochemicals from Sonchus oleraceus L. (pūhā)


Prof. Thomas Rades (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)

Project description:

Puha, one of the traditional Maori food plants, is an antioxidant super-food with more antioxidants than blueberries.  Puha has potential as an accessible source of natural antioxidants, with associated health  benefits.

During this project I will investigate:

  Identification of active antioxidant compounds in pūhā leaf extracts

  Optimization of extraction efficacy and storage conditions

  Evaluation of in vitro cellular activity of pūhā leaf extracts, including cellular antioxidant activity in HepG2 cells and anti-aging effects on WI-38 cells

Subsequent position:  After graduation, Ellen moved to Auckland to take up the position of Senior Medical Laboratory Scientist at LabPLUS, Auckland District Health Board.