Veterinary Program Chair at CRS 2012

July 2012

shapeimage_2-2The 39th Controlled Release Society conference was held in Quebec City, Canada and was a great conference. Prof. Thierry Vandamme and myself were the Program Chairs for the vet sessions. Location was great, science was excellent and it was great to catch up with friends again.

Some pretty cute critters in Canada too!shapeimage_3

Think peptides writing competition

September 2012

shapeimage_2When I saw an add for a scientific writing competition to Write Peptides by the company Think Peptides, I thought our work fitted the bill and got to writing.

We were stoked when the piece by Alex Kafka and I entitled “Peptides, polymers and possums” came second!

You can see the other winners here

Research Elective students 2012

October 2012

ElectivesThe School of Pharmacy Research Elective Colloqium is a day when we get to hear about the elective research conducted by the 4th year students. This is the 2 groups I supervised this year after giving their presentations. Well done guys – you did a great job.

One group found out about the interest in a course for pharmacists on veterinary medicine and the other investigated the changes in antioxidant content of puha leaves as the plant grows.

Ellen and Jasper snuck in on the photo too. Thanks to Azrin Zakaria for the photo.